Spring is (pretty much) here so I hope that means all of your holiday decorations, Christmas tree, etc., are stored away in the garage. Not a fan of holiday decor? Good. Because I’m here to talk about Spring and how you can freshen up your home just in time for the much anticipated sunnier weather!

Greenery (real or fake)
I love using greenery and plants around the house, specially around Spring time. There’s just something so refreshing about having a living plant sitting next to the window. I try to have real plants all around the house but I just never feel like I have enough. Part of that reason is that I just can’t keep my plants alive. I try, but I just don’t have a green thumb and I have a feeling I’m not alone. I’ve been spotting a lot of fake greenery/plants in pretty much all of my favorite home decor stores. It can’t be a coincidence. Are they just in right now? Also, I’m not talking about the fake doctor’s office trees, I’m talking succulents, cacti, fiddle leaf trees, and palm trees. Why hadn’t these manufacturers thought of providing us non-green thumbs with a solution!? Anyway, the important part is not why. Because, brace yourselves people, we have real-looking fake greenery available all around us! I don’t think there’s a better way to say “spring is here!” than with a few new potted plants around the house. Real or fake.
Neutrals for the win!
No matter how much color you have going on in your home, picking a few neutral colored vases, pillows and throws will give your home a refreshing feeling, specially if you decorated heavily for the holidays. There’s just something so exciting about putting away all the holiday decor and replacing it with lighter colored pieces. This year, I’m relying heavily on the neutrals. Mia and Francel from West Elm Dallas and West Elm Plano came over one Saturday and we decorated with neutral pieces from West Elm all around the house. I’m so glad we’re not shopping around for furniture at West Elm anymore, because without a doubt I’d be bringing everything home! I will link all of the pieces featured for you at the end of this post!
Personalize with books/magazines
There’s a few books we keep on rotation in the living area, and even though we’ve had most of them for a few years now, I don’t get bored of seeing them. I love moving them around the house, which probably helps with making it feel like they’re still new. I would recommend investing in a few table books that have a pretty neutral cover and are also interesting to flip through if you ever have guests over that want to take a look (because ultimately, that’s what they’re for.. hah). We love getting our books from Half Price Books or Thrift Books. We’ve also scored a few good ones from Anthropology and Urban Outfitters. Kinfolk magazines have to be my favorite, though. Their aesthetic is on point. Also, they use a lot of neutral colors, so this would be a great way to “freshen up” a space of your home at a very decent price. We got a bunch of used ones from Thrift Books recently for less than half of what they cost.
How are you decorating your space for Spring? Will you be getting a new vase, throw or maybe a faux plant? Or maybe even a real one (if you dare)?
Thank you for stopping by! Find the pieces featured in our home, as well as some of my current favorites below.
Love and happy Spring!
ps. styling by Mia Blessinger , Francel Aquino Betz and myself (some of it) lol
Photos by Mia Blessinger
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